My name is Phoenix Godwin. I'm 28 and I still want to do a lot for the world.

Phoenix Godwin @PhoenixGodwin

Age 34, Male

Long Story...

Savannah, GA

Joined on 6/29/05

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3,260 / 3,600
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PhoenixGodwin's News

Posted by PhoenixGodwin - June 26th, 2010

I can't trust you fuckers.

And neither should you.

Dark deceptions crawl beneath the folds of all dispositions.
I've learned the truth.

One day.

One day.

So will you.

People will change your perceptions.

The easy flows of life will become edged and jagged.
Trust no one.
You can't.

Purple is black.

White is empty.

Lightning comes from the ground so that it can meet in the middle.

What IS real anymore?

Not a god damn thing.

Break a window.

The cracks
the fierce cutting razors
webs of a bleeding death yet founded by a sinister trapping spider
they're not new.
They were there the whole time, you just couldn't see it until the facade was obliterated.

Something that seemed so clean.
So clear.
It was never what you thought.

Most of you are sociopaths.
All people are just pieces in one big ugly game.
No exceptions.
No rules.

Fuck you.

If we can't live for each other, why do we even bother living in a world filled with people in the first place?
Why don't any of you care?

There are good people.
Honest people.
We exist.
Why would you NOT want to be this way?
Or is it just beyond your abilities.
It's so sad.

I remember a time when I trusted EVERYONE.
It was a good time.

As I've grown I've seen the worst sides of the best people.
I've seen the best parts in the worst people.
What should be so easy is lost in a disruptive chaos of selfish dogfuckery.
And nobody even cares.

Fuck all of you and your apathy.

I can't trust any of you fuckers.

Never again.

. .

See more of my poetry at www.allpoetry.com/PhoenixGodwin

Posted by PhoenixGodwin - June 18th, 2010

I've been working on a lot of art lately, please check it out and tell me what you think.

The stylus for my new tablet is lost (already), but I'll be getting a new one soon and I'll keep putting out more and more.

Posted by PhoenixGodwin - May 24th, 2010

So I've been hanging out with my music playing friends a lot lately, and we've decided to combine their powers for one epic mash-up of talents.

Check out the new songs marked "PFP". I think you'll be glad you did.

Insomniac's Lullaby


Be sure to rate, and give us some feedback to work with!

Posted by PhoenixGodwin - May 8th, 2010

Okay, so now it's time for me to go off on a little tangent. To vent, if you will.

First off, I think it's safe to say that the word "love" is a word that is very easily thrown around, and I tend to think that's it's true meaning has been lost to society.

There are two kinds of love.

The first and most common kind is a Familial love. We love our family, even if they're assholes sometimes. The same goes for our friends. Don't be ashamed. The relationship between someone and their best friends is easily equatable to a healthy sibling relationship. Our best friends are like our brothers. Our sisters. Sometimes we have this love for our teachers, our co-workers, or even our pets. This kind of love is not a "true" love because it comes in varying quantities. Most of you with boyfriends or girlfriends have the highest end of this for that person, which is not insignificant at all, in fact it is healthy and I think generally a good thing to have.

The second kind is very rare, and often not experienced for entire lifetimes. I think it's safe to say that at least seventy percent of people haven't experienced it- even if they think they have. "True" love is the exact polar opposite of true hate (another word thrown around a lot that I think has lost it's meaning). The easiest way to describe it is like having a parent, a child, a sibling, and a best friend all in one person. It is unconditional, and you are willing to go to any lengths in order to preserve it. That person begins to need the other as much as they need food, water and air. Being apart for even just a week or two can begin to cause depression, self doubt, and even sometimes, self loathing. It only comes in one quantity, which is, as I said, unconditional.

Unfortunately for most people lucky or unlucky enough to experience it- it is not always mutual. Because of the rarity of it, it is more than likely that if one person truly loves another, the other might think that they do in return- only for the reality to be that it was a deep familial love. Of course, sometimes that can still work out, and there's nothing wrong with it.

Other times, it can can fall apart, and if and when that happens, it is more than able to break someone.

I'll point out that whomever said "It is better to have loved and lost, than not to have loved at all" is an asshole. And they never knew what love was.

I've had the misfortune of going through this experience recently, and it sucks. I'm not gonna sit here and bitch and moan over a keyboard to thousands of people I've never met before (or even the small percentage of them that may actually read this) about how all this came to pass, or how shitty everything seems to be right now. But I do want you all to take the time to get what I am putting across to you.

A friend recently told me that popular culture, particularly through the media, teaches us that if a good guy gets the girl, and does all the right things, that it can be made to last- but this just isn't the case. He was right. I just want everyone who reads this that is old enough or just mature enough to understand where I am coming from, to take this to heart. Try to rid yourself of the idealistic perception of love that our society tends to teach us.

I'm not saying that love is bad, or that having a relationship is not worth it, I'm just saying to not let yourself get lost with or without it. I've had the feeling of being utterly destroyed by it, and I don't wish that for anyone. Slowly I'm recovering, and I do think it's possible to find it again with somebody else. But you needn't go looking for it too hard. If it's going to come to you, it will, and if not, then who's to say that you're not better off? I know what it's like to feel like you require companionship, and to the people who feel like that, I especially want to get this message across to.

On a final note, I'd like to give some advice that a friend gave me yesterday that has really helped. Whenever something really sucks, not just in the relationship field, but in life in general- take a step back to look at the really big picture. Bad experiences are something we learn from. They suck at first- sometimes a lot- but then we eventually can go on and (sort of) forget they ever happened- we heal. Not only that, but during a time of immense change like that, it's often easier to enact more changes for yourself for the better. Take advantage of it however you can, so that twenty years later, you'll remember how sucky it was, but you won't be too upset, because afterwords you got shit done.

That's what I plan to do. And I hope anybody who ever faces the same problem remembers this, and that they can do it too.

Love: An Examination

Posted by PhoenixGodwin - May 3rd, 2010

This is news anyway. My personal info and signature has been changed, because my girlfriend of 4 and a half years is in the process of leaving.

Really shitty time.

Anyway, I'll probably be online more now. Xenolithic has been helping me to make a new signature. I decided to go with the one at the bottom, but he made a couple other ones that I'm posting here, cause, you know, he did do me a favor, which is pretty cool in my book.

Also, I'll probably get a tablet pretty soon. I'm trying to turn my artwork into a conduit for this new free time in order to sort of force my way through it.

Cause, you know, nobody's ever done that before, right?

But until I get a tablet or a scanner, nobody's gonna see any of it.

Anyway, sigs.

I wanted to do something with Spider Jerusalem from Transmetropolitan, and the last one I felt fit would fit best in the bbs.

Bullshit blog post on something that is not a blog.

Posted by PhoenixGodwin - April 11th, 2010

New song from Pfenixfyre and ZackBasturd. It's titled "The Best Medicine". Check it out- but only if you're in a really good mood.

(Don't say we didn't warn you)

I've had some old art up for a few days now, and now there's one new picture up, But I'm not gonna start posting the really good stuff until someone "scouts" me.

But please, do comment on them, it's good for my ego.

Also, here's an old video of mine: "The Lord of the Flies"

Enjoy my younger foolishness!

/* */

Posted by PhoenixGodwin - January 31st, 2010

Pfenixfyre and ZackBastard have made their glorious(?) return!

Just remember: We make music because we hate you.

For only the most brave and curious of you:

Here's the old stuff.

As you can see, we've made some changes.

-Not With My Money-

sigh... What have we done?

Pfenixfyre and ZackBastard

Posted by PhoenixGodwin - January 4th, 2008

I just saw the movie "Howard the Duck" today for the first time.
One of the best movie's ever made.


Ok, maybe not, but it's fucking awesome.

Anyway, Speed Racer.

I've been excited about this movie ever since it's conception a while ago. If you haven't seen the preview, check it out.

Speed Racer Movie Trailer


I know some people are going to see that, and be like "WTFIZDISSHITZOMFG!?", and for different reasons. Some people think it will ruin the integrity of the awesomeness that is Speed Racer, which is an understandable apprehension. Other people however, I think are making a VERY important mistake, in that they see that preview, and think "What the hell? That looks like a kid's movie".

You are wrong. The mistake you are making, is confusing stylization, with genre. Yes, the movie does appear to have a cartoonish look to it, but it is purposefully stylized to appear that way.

Remember, this is coming to us from the Wachowski Bros.- the people who supplied us with The Matrix, and "V for Vendetta". They are known for taking liberties with cinematography, and breaking bounds with innovation.

Besides. It's Speed Racer guys. Speed freaking Racer. That alone makes it deserve a chance.

Howard the Duck, and Speed Racer

Posted by PhoenixGodwin - December 24th, 2007

Sorry I flew off the handle like that guys. I didn't mean to try to drag everyone down with me. I hope you all enjoy your holiday and get lots of cool stuff. Tomorrow or the next day I'll be leaving to my place in Virginia, where I won't have internet access- which is fine by me, but I won't be able to log on NG until I get back, which will be in about a week and a half.

Merry Christmas Newgrounds. You're the best.

No, really guys- Merry Christmas

Posted by PhoenixGodwin - December 23rd, 2007

First off, I'm an atheist, though I used to be catholic, then just normal christian, then agnostic. Secondly, I used to like christmas. Untill today. After today, christmas will no longer mean anything to me. My mom has decided that I've ruined her christmas, and wants to keep yelling at me about it- all because I would rather spend time with my girlfriend then go out of town with her so she can see her boyfriend for a week and a half- AFTER christmas. She doesn't want the gift I gave her, and she seems to no longer care about my feelings, in fact, she specifically said that. Considering she is my only parental figure, you have no idea how disappointing and depressing it is. She won't be happy with me, and will probably continue to take out everything that happens to her on me for the rest of her life.

Where is your god now?

Did you know Jesus, whether he's divine or not, was not born on christmas? It's a proven fact, on account of there are records of his life outside of the bible. Also, it's written in the bible that when he was born, farmers in their fields could see the North Star and and knew he was born or whatever- well, in that area, the winters were far too cold for there to be any farming. However, in a critical decision by Constantine, he decided to have the birth of Christ be celebrated on a then Pagan holiday, so that people would convert more easily.

What a pointless fucking holiday.