This is news anyway. My personal info and signature has been changed, because my girlfriend of 4 and a half years is in the process of leaving.
Really shitty time.
Anyway, I'll probably be online more now. Xenolithic has been helping me to make a new signature. I decided to go with the one at the bottom, but he made a couple other ones that I'm posting here, cause, you know, he did do me a favor, which is pretty cool in my book.
Also, I'll probably get a tablet pretty soon. I'm trying to turn my artwork into a conduit for this new free time in order to sort of force my way through it.
Cause, you know, nobody's ever done that before, right?
But until I get a tablet or a scanner, nobody's gonna see any of it.
Anyway, sigs.
I wanted to do something with Spider Jerusalem from Transmetropolitan, and the last one I felt fit would fit best in the bbs.