First off, I'm an atheist, though I used to be catholic, then just normal christian, then agnostic. Secondly, I used to like christmas. Untill today. After today, christmas will no longer mean anything to me. My mom has decided that I've ruined her christmas, and wants to keep yelling at me about it- all because I would rather spend time with my girlfriend then go out of town with her so she can see her boyfriend for a week and a half- AFTER christmas. She doesn't want the gift I gave her, and she seems to no longer care about my feelings, in fact, she specifically said that. Considering she is my only parental figure, you have no idea how disappointing and depressing it is. She won't be happy with me, and will probably continue to take out everything that happens to her on me for the rest of her life.
Where is your god now?
Did you know Jesus, whether he's divine or not, was not born on christmas? It's a proven fact, on account of there are records of his life outside of the bible. Also, it's written in the bible that when he was born, farmers in their fields could see the North Star and and knew he was born or whatever- well, in that area, the winters were far too cold for there to be any farming. However, in a critical decision by Constantine, he decided to have the birth of Christ be celebrated on a then Pagan holiday, so that people would convert more easily.
What a pointless fucking holiday.
Tis the season to be jolleh!