First off: WAY too hard. We NEED more time. Now, on to my review:
Graphics (10) : Great Graphics. Top notch for flash. So you'll get no complaints there.
Style (6) : It was an interesting idea to have it be a weapon test. However, having to select your weapon at the beginning is a serious annoyance, and wastes some of what little time we already have.
Sound (7) : The music could have been worse. Explosions and gun sounds where always at least par. Although that guy that says "Fail!" gets very old, ver quickly.
Violence (5) : I'm not sure inflicting harm to explosive targets accounts as violence, but hey! I shot and blew shit up! When is that ever not fun?
Interactivity (8) : First off, it's a game, so of course it's interactive. I was also pleased that you could tell when you were shooting with sound and visuals, unlike other games where you just point, click, and pretend there's a gun, this one you actually knew there was one.
Humor (0) : You weren't aiming for humor, which is fine. So don't take this zero as a bad thing.
Overall: Great game! However, I think I favor Gunny Bunny (especially the first one)