My name is Phoenix Godwin. I'm 28 and I still want to do a lot for the world.

Phoenix Godwin @PhoenixGodwin

Age 34, Male

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Savannah, GA

Joined on 6/29/05

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Why the US government is lying about Osama bin Laden.

Posted by PhoenixGodwin - May 6th, 2011

When people hear "conspiracy", they normally think of shadow governments, impossibly complex plots, Illuminati, or Matt Damon. The word is associated with a stigma of irrational thoughts and paranoia that generally makes a lot of people automatically shut down whenever they start to hear anything even resembling the concept. I can't say that I blame them. From chemtrails to lizard people, there are any number of ludicrous conspiracy theories that really aren't worth any of the stress and time people put into them. Yet still they do, and there will always be people who subscribe to them for one reason or the other.

That's not to say that conspiracies don't happen- sometimes they totally do, and they end up getting revealed for different reasons. One famous example was the CIA's project MKULTRA, which experimented with the idea of brain manipulation and control- particularly with LSD.

It's important to realize that conspiracies do happen occasionally. I don't think that they are the complicated, ambiguous, and open-ended plots that many people associate them with, though. In fact, sometimes they are done with arguably good intentions. Keep this in mind, because it's an important part of what I'm going to say.

On May 1st, 2011 at 11:35pm (EST), United States President Barack Obama gave a nine minute televised speech stating that Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden had been shot and killed by a Navy SEAL strike team in Pakistan. While most of the nation rejoiced and made drunken fools of themselves on live newsfeeds throughout the country, I went online to find some more information. The first thing I tried to do was find a postmortem photograph of the body- not out of a sense of morbidity or triumph, but because I wanted to see evidence of it myself. I'm a natural skeptic like that. I was quickly surprised and dismayed by the fact that there were no photographs. Considering how big of a deal this was, evidence of the fact just seemed like the next natural step. I spent about the next ten hours paying close attention for any details that might emerge and writing an article on how I displeased I was with the lack of evidence. During that time Bin Laden's body was reported to be dropped into the ocean- before the DNA test was complete. And a fake photo of Osama's body that was being shown on the news in Baghdad was called into question. The photo turned out to be fake.

The next day I was still watching out for pictures or evidence, and none arose. Though, CIA director Leon Panetta said that photos would be released, also saying:

"The bottom line is that, you know, we got bin Laden and I think we have to reveal to the rest of the world the fact that we were able to get him and kill him"

That night I started writing another article. I was pissed that our government still hadn't released any pictures. At that point the White House had made statements about their apprehensiveness to release pictures, but they were for completely insubstantial reasons. One of the reasons they gave was that the pictures were "gruesome", as if it was their responsibility to coddle us and censor us from violence. This does not in any way seem like a rational reason to keep evidence about an important event away from the nation- let alone the entire world. As John Stewart said on the subject:

"Too gory ... yeah ... have you met us? From 8 p.m. on, every show on television that we watch begins with an internal tracking shot of a gaping wound above someone's eye, pulling out to reveal half a hooker in a dumpster discovered by a child on a bicycle. You know what we call it? 'Prime time.'"

The other reason they cited was that the pictures could be antagonizing to potential terrorists- but that's a bullshit scapegoat argument. This is a country notorious for not negotiating with terrorist- that is to say that generally speaking we don't give a damn what they think, and if they don't like it they can go straight to hell. The other problem with the logic to that argument is that those same potential terrorists are surely already pissed. Al-Qaeda isn't going to get more angry just because we release postmortem photos of a man they already think is dead. And if they do, again, who cares? Certainly not the general American public. We feel safe because during the last nine years our intelligence and military prowess has done a damn fine job of keeping the violence against us outside of our own borders.

In that article I brought up Abu al-Zarqawi, the reported leader of the Iraqi Al-Qaeda, and how after assassinating him we released pictures. They weren't released as trophies, they were released as procedural evidence. By the time his body had been given away to be buried, well more than 24 hours had passed.

I concluded the article by saying that by that time, simple photographic proof would no longer be substantial to all the people who held doubts about the White House's truth on the matter. I basically said that if they even wanted to appear to care about whether we trusted them or not, they would need release (surely existing) footage from the raid.

After I published that article online, that footage was said to have existed in the form of recordings from helmet mounted cameras on the Navy SEAL strike-team.

It was later announced that these expensive and technologically advanced helmet cams somehow mysteriously malfunctioned specifically during the time of the raid. That same day, President Obama announced that photographic evidence of the incident would not be released.

Like many others, I was confused and frustrated. All over the media, news sources are questioning these decisions by the White House. Why would the government be so secretive about this event? What do they possibly have to gain from keeping any proof from us, and why would they not care that it is affecting the people's trust? Let's face it, the U.S. government isn't stupid. They suffer from a few problems and a lot of in-fighting, sure- but they're not stupid. I'm confident that they wouldn't cite such silly reasons for not giving us photographic proof of Osama's death, or do contradictory things that would inspire so much doubt about their honesty- unless they had a damn good reason. I am about to tell you that reason.

I obviously do not have proof yet, but I am confident that this is the only logical conclusion. When I came to this conclusion, I thought long and hard about whether or not I should pursue exposing the truth in this matter. We have been lied to, but for legitimate reasons that have our own best interest in mind. In the end, I realized that to compromise my ethics would be unacceptable. I am a firm believer in Truth, and even if I believe in the reasons for it, I don't think it is okay for the government to lie to us outright. If it's okay this time, than we imply that it is okay for them to do it at other times. This lie may be harmless for us, but how bad does it have to finally get before we eventually stand up for ourselves and say that lying to us as a nation is not okay? That lying to the world is not okay? And what if it's too late by then?

I say no. The Truth must be uprooted and showcased for all to see, because we are not sheep. (Some of you are, but hey, what can really be done about that? Nothing, usually.)

Osama bin Laden is not dead. Yet.

As the leader of Al-Qaeda, a group we are still at 'war' with, Osama bin Laden is the single most valuable holder of information on the planet in that respect. To simply assassinate him would be incredibly poor foresight on the part of our war efforts. It would be irreversible and incredibly self damaging to simply eradicate him. When the people who planned the Bin Laden raid got together, I'm sure that it was absolutely imperative that they secure Osama alive unless he were a direct threat to a soldiers life, which he wasn't. Odds are really good that they assembled the most efficient and possessional strike team they could, and equipped them with the best equipment possible. You better believe that when they did that they had more intentions than just killing him only to not prove to anybody that they had.

No. Osama bin Laden is almost certainly alive, and will be until they extract every bit of information from him that they can. Why would they hide this? Because our government- believe it or not- is not made up purely of a bunch of incompetent, irresponsible dickheads. There's only one way that we can reasonably hope to get that sort of information from that sort of person, and our government calls it "Enhanced Interrogation".


The government is lying to you about Osama bin Laden's death because they have to interrogate him for information in order to better service the defense of the American people. It is for your protection.

Can you imagine the repercussions if word were to get out that Osama bin Laden was being held captive and unconstitutionally interrogated? Imagine the court hearings. Imagine the jihads. Imagine the Al-Qaeda members willing to go to any lengths to make us release him- they would kill innocents all over the place- because that's what they do.


I am not okay with being lied to by our government for any reason, and neither should you. What can you do about it? Be angry. Spread the word. Spread this article. Write your local politicians. Anything.

The only way this could truly be exposed is if it's done quickly by the people actually getting their shit together and doing something about it. Unless they are in on it, the United Nations would investigate this if it became apparent that it was a possibility. If too much time passes though, the evidence will be gone. The government will kill Osama when they are done (and possibly take pictures of his body to "leak" to the internet) and destroy the body. It will be too late, and all because the apathetic assholes here in this country couldn't think enough for themselves to question the bullshit being laid out in front of them.

Please guys. Be angry.

---------------------------Update 5-11-2011--------------------------

So a new development has come up, in which Osama bin Laden's family is calling shenanigans as well. Omar bin Laden, the son of Osama bin Laden- has released a statement on behalf of him and his family expressing their disdain for the lack of information and evidence regarding Osama's death.

The entirety of the statement can be read here.

"I Omar Ossama Bin Ladin and my brothers the lawful children and heirs of the Ossama Binladin (OBL) have noted wide coverage of the news of the death of our father, but we are not convinced on the available evidence in the absence of dead body, photographs, and video evidence that our natural father is dead. Therefore, with this press statement, we seek such conclusive evidence to believe the stories published in relation to 2 May 2011 operation Geronimo as declared by the President of United States Barrack Hussein Obama in his speech that he authorized the said operation and killing of OBL and later confirmed his death.....

......Most importantly, when it is a common knowledge that OBL's family is residing at one place outside KSA, why they were not contacted to receive his dead body. His sudden and un witnessed burial at sea has deprived the family of performing religious rights of a Muslim man"

I think that last part is really important. It puts a lot of stress on the impromptu claimed burial of Osama, particularly when considering that the given reason for it was that it was out of respect for traditional Islamic funeral rites. So not only does that reasoning contradict previous times where we've assassinated Islamic extremist leaders, but but it contradicts itself because a fundamental part of the process was completely bypassed.

"Without agreeing to the ways of OBL as to how he professed, believed and operated, We Omar Ossama Binladin, and my brothers, the lawful children of the Ossama Binladin (OBL) herewith demand an inquiry under UNO to reach to the accuracy of the facts....

....Failure to answer these questions will force us to go to International forum for justice such as International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice and UN must take notice of the violation of international law and assist us to have answers for which we are lawful in seeking them. A panel of eminent British and international lawyers is being constituted and a necessary action may be taken if no answers are furnished within 30 days of this statement."

Omar has shown himself on numerous occasions to be a fairly intelligent and well meaning individual. He has publicly opposed his father's ways and actions many times, and has constantly exhibited support for peace between the Islamic and Western world. He's not doing this as a vengeful "Fuck you!" to America for his father being taken from him, he's doing it because the event goes against examples previously set by our nation and it's ideals, and his family feels that whatever happened, it was particularly unfair to them- and they want answers.

: Special thanks to Michaelas10 for bringing this to my attention, just when I was about to give up on the whole thing because I thought that nobody was going to care about the lack of evidence. He has implied doubts about my conclusion, but it's good to see that some people have been paying attention, nonetheless.


How many more times are you going to copy-paste this on a website full of people who are either too young to vote or not American?

I posted it to my own page so I could write and edit it with the links embedded- without having to post it to the forum before it was ready. I wanted to make sure it was complete and fully edited before I put it where it would get more than 300 views. Also I'll be posting it at other places as well, as I've already done with my last two.

The government is telling the truth. You were just schooled by the Occam's Razor argument; if the government was indeed lying, the amount of assumptions you'd have to make - as this would affect everything - would be astronomical.

Oh I see, you really ARE an idiot. Why don't you go take another look at that thread there, bucko.

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/top ic/1246904/2

You'll clearly notice intelligent rebuttal by myself and others- as well as a complete lack of "schooling" by anyone. The fact stands that if the government is telling the truth, than they made some VERY poor decisions as far as information gathering and evidence release. Evidence DOES dictate that they haven't been entirely honest. If you refuse to listen to anybody as to why that might be, than use your own damn logic and reasoning. But don't just stand there like a jackass believing whatever you're told and that nothing is ever more than it seems. It makes you look small.

From the moment you heard of Bin Laden's death, you decided that you were going to be skeptical. Honestly, I don't think photos or a "better" form of evidence release would convince you. You just don't want to believe that he died -- you'd rather believe in a conspiracy, as it makes you feel special, like you're fighting for something.

The fact of the matter is, I trust my government: if they say Bin Laden is dead, then I believe he is dead. If they say he is dead, you believe he is alive, and vice versa. How come you just don't question everything single government report that comes out on anything, if you're so damn cynical?

All you did was just repeat more of the same stuff you said in the thread. Here it is again for future reference: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/top ic/1246904/2

If you read anything (seriously. ANYTHING.), you would have seen on the same thread that this conversation originated (and should stay, honestly) where I described the process that led me to believe he wasn't dead. When they first announced he was dead I wasn't skeptical- not until hours had passed and they still hadn't posted any pictures of the body, which is abnormal and goes against procedure already previously enacted by their system. For the first two days of researching and following this story, I fully believed he was dead- because I had no reason not to. But I KNEW something strange was going on because of the abnormal way they were handling the matter. Once I had done all of this research, I put a lot of thought into what plausible reason there could possibly be for the government to not be open with us on this matter.

I spent days and nights, looking into this with little sleep in between. I wrote down tons of notes for the article I knew I would be writing on whatever my findings were (it's what I do, I'm a writer.). I paid close attention to every detail that was being released from an official source. Almost every few hours, something else would happen that would legitimately surprise me- because I didn't think they had anything to hide. They were doing and saying things that didn't make any sense. If you read the first two articles I wrote (which are both linked on the one above, and also copied onto Entry #21 of my profile) you can see part of this process. You will see how I said multiple times that I was SURE bin Laden WAS dead- even to people who suggested that he wasn't.

The research, conclusion, and rationale are all in this article. If you would actually read it you would realize that most of the statements you are making are redundant, circular, and that you are continually making yourself look foolish even to those who don't agree with my conclusion. Every counterpoint you have made has already been covered with logical deductive reasonings that you've argued against without even bothering to see what they are. Tell me what kind of moron argues against something when he not only doesn't understand what he's arguing against- he doesn't even recognize it.

Lay off. Grow up. If you're willing to learn about what you're saying before you say it, I'll talk to you about it. . Any more of these purposefully ignorant and absolutely redundant comments from you will simply be deleted.

Never mind, could have sworn I read he was the number two terrorist in Afghanistan. Still, it seems that with high value terrorists, we always kill - not capture - them, refuting your point that we were determined to capture him for the intelligence.

Osama bin Laden has/had more information about the entirety of Al-Qaeda than anyone else. Period.

Not using him to gain that information would be stupid. Really stupid.

Once again Dubbi, you have revealed you lack of knowledge on the subject. You said that he was isolated, but he was still a huge part of operations. Osama bin Laden was a very smart man who kept himself out of our radar successfully for a very long time. To do this who used couriers to revive and send information, and to control the actions of Al-Qaeda. That's how we found out where he was finally. Not only did you just prove ONCE AGAIN that you haven't done the proper reading to contribute to this conversation, but this was information that's been sort of common knowledge for a while.

The next comment you post on this profile that isn't either open-minded or showing that you've done some more reading on the subject will get you banned from my profile. I've been typing about this shit for the last 24 hours with few breaks. I don't feel like repeating myself to you anymore- especially if you're not going to just take the effort to read for yourself.

Also, you keep calling me a douchebag, but all I've done is present the information. I've only snapped on people when they have attecked me- like you did.

You can probably compress most of your long comments into 1 or 2 statements relevant to your overall argument.

Haha, trust me- the thought has occurred to me. Part of the issue is that a lot of the information I ended up just having to repeat at numerous times and places because people were arguing without actually reading my article.

Otherwise there were rationales that just came up in debates, and I didn't want to rewrite them just for the sake of having them in one collected spot, fearing that that might just prove to be redundant.