The government is telling the truth. You were just schooled by the Occam's Razor argument; if the government was indeed lying, the amount of assumptions you'd have to make - as this would affect everything - would be astronomical.
My name is Phoenix Godwin. I'm 28 and I still want to do a lot for the world.
Age 34, Male
Long Story...
Savannah, GA
Joined on 6/29/05
The government is telling the truth. You were just schooled by the Occam's Razor argument; if the government was indeed lying, the amount of assumptions you'd have to make - as this would affect everything - would be astronomical.
Oh I see, you really ARE an idiot. Why don't you go take another look at that thread there, bucko. ic/1246904/2
You'll clearly notice intelligent rebuttal by myself and others- as well as a complete lack of "schooling" by anyone. The fact stands that if the government is telling the truth, than they made some VERY poor decisions as far as information gathering and evidence release. Evidence DOES dictate that they haven't been entirely honest. If you refuse to listen to anybody as to why that might be, than use your own damn logic and reasoning. But don't just stand there like a jackass believing whatever you're told and that nothing is ever more than it seems. It makes you look small.
From the moment you heard of Bin Laden's death, you decided that you were going to be skeptical. Honestly, I don't think photos or a "better" form of evidence release would convince you. You just don't want to believe that he died -- you'd rather believe in a conspiracy, as it makes you feel special, like you're fighting for something.
The fact of the matter is, I trust my government: if they say Bin Laden is dead, then I believe he is dead. If they say he is dead, you believe he is alive, and vice versa. How come you just don't question everything single government report that comes out on anything, if you're so damn cynical?
All you did was just repeat more of the same stuff you said in the thread. Here it is again for future reference: ic/1246904/2
If you read anything (seriously. ANYTHING.), you would have seen on the same thread that this conversation originated (and should stay, honestly) where I described the process that led me to believe he wasn't dead. When they first announced he was dead I wasn't skeptical- not until hours had passed and they still hadn't posted any pictures of the body, which is abnormal and goes against procedure already previously enacted by their system. For the first two days of researching and following this story, I fully believed he was dead- because I had no reason not to. But I KNEW something strange was going on because of the abnormal way they were handling the matter. Once I had done all of this research, I put a lot of thought into what plausible reason there could possibly be for the government to not be open with us on this matter.
I spent days and nights, looking into this with little sleep in between. I wrote down tons of notes for the article I knew I would be writing on whatever my findings were (it's what I do, I'm a writer.). I paid close attention to every detail that was being released from an official source. Almost every few hours, something else would happen that would legitimately surprise me- because I didn't think they had anything to hide. They were doing and saying things that didn't make any sense. If you read the first two articles I wrote (which are both linked on the one above, and also copied onto Entry #21 of my profile) you can see part of this process. You will see how I said multiple times that I was SURE bin Laden WAS dead- even to people who suggested that he wasn't.
The research, conclusion, and rationale are all in this article. If you would actually read it you would realize that most of the statements you are making are redundant, circular, and that you are continually making yourself look foolish even to those who don't agree with my conclusion. Every counterpoint you have made has already been covered with logical deductive reasonings that you've argued against without even bothering to see what they are. Tell me what kind of moron argues against something when he not only doesn't understand what he's arguing against- he doesn't even recognize it.
Lay off. Grow up. If you're willing to learn about what you're saying before you say it, I'll talk to you about it. . Any more of these purposefully ignorant and absolutely redundant comments from you will simply be deleted.
Never mind, could have sworn I read he was the number two terrorist in Afghanistan. Still, it seems that with high value terrorists, we always kill - not capture - them, refuting your point that we were determined to capture him for the intelligence.
Osama bin Laden has/had more information about the entirety of Al-Qaeda than anyone else. Period.
Not using him to gain that information would be stupid. Really stupid.
Once again Dubbi, you have revealed you lack of knowledge on the subject. You said that he was isolated, but he was still a huge part of operations. Osama bin Laden was a very smart man who kept himself out of our radar successfully for a very long time. To do this who used couriers to revive and send information, and to control the actions of Al-Qaeda. That's how we found out where he was finally. Not only did you just prove ONCE AGAIN that you haven't done the proper reading to contribute to this conversation, but this was information that's been sort of common knowledge for a while.
The next comment you post on this profile that isn't either open-minded or showing that you've done some more reading on the subject will get you banned from my profile. I've been typing about this shit for the last 24 hours with few breaks. I don't feel like repeating myself to you anymore- especially if you're not going to just take the effort to read for yourself.
Also, you keep calling me a douchebag, but all I've done is present the information. I've only snapped on people when they have attecked me- like you did.
You can probably compress most of your long comments into 1 or 2 statements relevant to your overall argument.
Haha, trust me- the thought has occurred to me. Part of the issue is that a lot of the information I ended up just having to repeat at numerous times and places because people were arguing without actually reading my article.
Otherwise there were rationales that just came up in debates, and I didn't want to rewrite them just for the sake of having them in one collected spot, fearing that that might just prove to be redundant.
How many more times are you going to copy-paste this on a website full of people who are either too young to vote or not American?
I posted it to my own page so I could write and edit it with the links embedded- without having to post it to the forum before it was ready. I wanted to make sure it was complete and fully edited before I put it where it would get more than 300 views. Also I'll be posting it at other places as well, as I've already done with my last two.